Cover Genius & Easol Offer Missed Event Protection for Creators
Cover Genius and Easol have announced a new partnership to offer missed event protection to consumers.
Cover Genius and Easol have announced a new partnership to offer missed event protection to consumers.
Una nueva encuesta revela que el 49% de los clientes estarían más inclinados a adquirir protección si se les ofreciera una combinación de opciones de cobertura
Une nouvelle enquête révèle que 52 % des consommateurs français seraient plus enclins à payer pour une protection si elle offrait une combinaison d’options de couverture
Eine neue Umfrage zeigt, dass 59 % der Kunden eher geneigt wären, einen Versicherungsschutz abzuschließen, wenn ihnen eine Kombination verschiedener Versicherungsoptionen angeboten würde
El Informe sobre protección de ventas minoristas: percepciones de los consumidores y conclusiones clave para tiendas minoristas explora las experiencias de los consumidores con protección de productos en 12 países
Deutsche Verbraucher wünschen sich Produktschutz direkt von ihren bevorzugten Einzelhändlern, Herstellern und Zahlungs-Apps und sind bereit, für den Komfort eines zusätzlichen Schutzes beim Bezahlvorgang und nach dem Bezahlvorgang mehr zu zahlen
소매 보호 보고서: Cover Genius가 의뢰하고 SurveyMonkey가 실시한 ‘리테일러를 위한 소비자 인사이트 및 시사점 (Consumer Insights and Key Takeaways for Retailers)’에서는 12개 국가 의 제품 보호 서비스에 관한 소비자 경험을 살펴봅니다
Rapport de protection de vente au détail : avis de clients et ventes principales à emporter pour les détaillants, émis par SurveyMonkey et examiné par Cover Genius, explore les expériences de consommateurs avec une protection de produits parmi 12 pays
Vueling y Cover Genius se apoyan en la tecnología para personalizar la protección de tus viajes Estas empresas ampliarán la protección de viajes para más
Cover Genius en Catawiki zijn een exclusieve samenwerking aangegaan om de verzending van bijzondere objecten te kunnen beschermen.
Cover Genius, das führende Insurtech für integrierten Schutz, und SAS, Skandinaviens führende Fluggesellschaft, haben ein neues, exklusives und maßgeschneidertes Schutzprogramm angekündigt. Das Programm gilt für mehr als 25 Länder in Europa und die USA und kann weltweit ausgeweitet werden.
Como a Uber cuida dos seus motoristas e fortalece a resiliência de sua plataforma por meio da XCover Quando a maior plataforma de mobilidade do
Cómo Uber cuida a sus socios conductores y construye resiliencia para su plataforma a través de XCover Cuando la mayor plataforma de movilidad del mundo,
nShift wird den Erwartungen der Online-Shopper durch die neue Partnerschaft mit Cover Genius gerecht Einführung der “nShift Insurance” unterstützt die 57% der Online-Käufer, die bei
Disponible sur Amazon : Comment XCover utilise la NLP pour optimiser les recommandations de prix et de produits Les places de marché sont devenues un
Étude de cas – Un détaillant en ligne mondial voit son chiffre d’affaires augmenter de 513 % en quatre semaines En tant que grand détaillant
Spirit Airlines Taps Cover Genius para Introduzir Proteção a Viajantes Internacionais Os passageiros podem se beneficiar de uma proteção simples e flexível , além de
Spirit Airlines elige a Cover Genius para ofrecer protección a los viajeros internacionales Los invitados se beneficiarán de una protección sencilla y flexible, y de
SKY Airline se alia a Cover Genius para fortalecer e escalar ofertas de proteção de viagem As capacidades globais da Insurtech permitem que a companhia
SKY Airline se apoya en Cover Genius para reforzar y ampliar su oferta de protección de viajes Las capacidades globales de la Insurtech permiten a
Como a Volaris integrou a XCover para expandir sua proteção de viagem internacional para seus clientes globais Uma pesquisa global sobre seguro viagem conduzida pela
Cómo Volaris integró XCover para brindar protección de viaje internacional a sus clientes globales Una encuesta global sobre seguros de viaje realizada por y
Uber y Cover Genius se unen para proteger a los socios conductores 8 de agosto de 2023. Cover Genius, la insurtech para la protección integrada,
Uber e Cover Genius se unem para proteger motoristas parceiros 8 de agosto de 2023. A Cover Genius, insurtech líder global em proteção integrada, anunciou
Sendcloud bündelt seine Kräfte mit Cover Genius München, 1. August 2023 – Sendcloud, die führende europäische Versandplattform, und Cover Genius, ein führendes auf Embedded Protection
Sendcloud y Cover Genius se unen para mejorar la gestión de reclamaciones en envíos internacionales Londres, Reino Unido, y Eindhoven, Países Bajos – 1 de
Sendcloud et Cover Genius s’associent pour améliorer le traitement des demandes d’indemnisation pour les envois internationaux Londres, Royaume-Uni, et Eindhoven, Pays-Bas – 1er août 2023
Fallstudie – globaler Online-Händler verzeichnet 513 % Umsatzwachstum in vier Wochen Als großer globaler Online-Händler, der seit langem seine Kundenerfahrung in den Vordergrund stellt, hat
Erhältlich bei Amazon: Wie XCover NLP nutzt, um Preis- und Produktempfehlungen zu optimieren Marktplätze sind zu einer zentralen Anlaufstelle für globale Verbraucher geworden, die große
Cover Genius, das Insurtech für eingebetteten Schutz, gab heute bekannt, dass es mehr als 25 Millionen Policen verkauft hat und mehr als 14 Millionen Kunden schützt, da die weltweit größten digitalen Unternehmen sich von traditionellen Versicherern zugunsten von eingebetteten Lösungen abwenden.
A Cover Genius de proteção integrada anunciou, nesta quarta-feira (31), que superou a marca de 25 milhões de apólices vendidas, protegendo, assim, mais de 14 milhões de clientes no momento em que as maiores empresas digitais do mundo se afastam das seguradoras tradicionais em busca de soluções integradas.
La insurtech de protección embebida, ha anunciado hoy que ha vendido más de 25 millones de pólizas, protegiendo a más de 14 millones de clientes a medida que las mayores empresas digitales del mundo se alejan de las aseguradoras tradicionales en favor de soluciones integradas.
Volaris, la aerolínea mexicana de ultra bajo costo que opera en México, Estados Unidos, Centro y Sudamérica, y Cover Genius, la insurtech global líder en protección embebida, anunciaron una alianza estratégica para ofrecer a sus clientes protección global de viaje, integrada directamente en la etapa final de reservación de vuelos para una experiencia más conveniente.
한국의 슈퍼앱인 쿠팡이 고객 중심의 “이유불문 취소” 보호 기능을 추가하여 핵심 전환율을 20%까지 증가시킨 방법 쿠팡은 한국의 대표적인 전자상거래 슈퍼앱으로 신선한 식료품과 식사, 쿠폰부터 호텔
글로벌 소비자들은 ‘이유불문 취소'(CFAR) 보호가 제공되는 경우 이벤트 티켓, 항공권 및 숙박시설 구매 가능성 높아짐 조사에 따르면 소비자들은 편리하고 번거로움 없는 경험을 위해 133% 더
Globale Verbraucher kaufen mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit Veranstaltungstickets, Flüge und Unterkünfte, wenn ihnen der Schutz “Stornierung aus beliebigen Gründen” (CFAR) angeboten wird Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Verbraucher
Consumidores de todo o planeta preferem comprar voos, entradas para eventos e hospedagens, se for oferecida a proteção “Cancelamento por Qualquer Motivo” (CFAR), indica relatório
Reporte de Protección de Reembolsos: El estudio revela que los consumidores brasileños prefieren una protección de “Cancelación por cualquier motivo” (CFAR, por sus siglas en
Relatório sobre Proteção de Reembolso Pesquisa revela que os consumidores brasileiros preferem a proteção “Cancelamento por Qualquer Causa ” (CFAR) ao comprar ingressos para eventos
Según un reciente informe mundial, los consumidores a los que se ofrece la protección “Cancelación por Cualquier Motivo” (CFAR, por sus siglas en inglés), al comprar entradas para eventos en vivo o reservar viajes, tienen más probabilidades (60%) de comprar la entrada del evento, el billete de avión o el alojamiento en cuestión, en comparación con la oferta de una opción de protección de reembolso más limitada o sin ninguna protección.
Der Bericht zum Schutz der Rückerstattung: Forschung zeigt: Deutsche Verbraucher bevorzugen beim Kauf von Eintrittskarten für Live-Veranstaltungen oder bei der Buchung von Flugtickets und Unterkünften
Cover Genius adquiere activos de Clyde y amplía su presencia en el sector de las garantías globales, valorado en 121.000 millones de dólares Las pymes
Cover Genius compra Clyde e fortalece a sua presença no mercado global de garantia, valor estimado em 121 bilhões de dólares As pequenas e médias
Cover Genius, das führende Versicherungsunternehmen für integrierten Versicherungsschutz, kündigte heute eine Partnerschaft mit HomeToGo, dem Online-Marktplatz mit der weltweit größten Auswahl an Ferienunterkünften, an.
How BetterPlace leveraged XCover to provide tailored healthcare protection for gig and blue-collar workers Despite the rapid growth of the gig economy sector in India,
Pesquisa sobre Seguro Patrimonial “Embedded”: A pesquisa revela que locatários, locadores e proprietários de imóveis brasileiros desejam proteção “embedded” para sua conveniência, enquanto 100% dos
Der Bericht über integrierte Sachversicherungen: Laut einer Studie wünschen sich deutsche Mieter, Vermieter und Hausbesitzer wegen Bequemlichkeit einen integrierten Schutz, und 99 % der Kurzzeitvermieter
El informe del seguro embebido para la industria inmobiliaria: Las investigaciones revelan que los inquilinos, arrendadores y propietarios de viviendas en México desean una protección
El informe del seguro embebido para la industria inmobiliaria: Las investigaciones revelan que los inquilinos, arrendadores y propietarios de viviendas en Argentina desean una protección
Quase 100% dos locadores de imóveis de temporada, , um segmento crescente de proprietários de imóveis, desejam que seu provedor de anúncios de aluguel, como, Airbnb, Vrbo, Expedia, etc., ofereça seguro ao proprietário
Fast 100 % der Kurzzeitvermieter, ein wachsendes Segment von Immobilieneigentümern, möchten, dass ihr Vermietungsanbieter, wie, Airbnb, Vrbo, Expedia usw., eine Vermieterversicherung anbietet.
Casi el 100% de los anfitriones de alquileres a corto plazo, un segmento creciente en el sector inmobiliario, quiere que su proveedor de anuncios de alquileres, como, Airbnb, Vrbo, Expedia, etc., ofrezca seguros de propietarios/arrendadores.
Cover Genius bringt 70 Mio. USD an Finanzierungsmitteln der Serie D auf, um das Embedded-Geschäftsmodell weiter auszubauen Von Dawn Capital geführte Kapitalerhöhung mit starker Beteiligung
A Cover Genius capta US$ 70 milhões em rodada série D para expandir ainda mais o seu modelo de negócios embedded Levantamento liderado pela Dawn
Cover Genius recauda $ 70 millones en fondos de la Serie D para continuar expandiendo el modelo de negocio embebido La recaudación fue liderada por
Daniel Poole, VP of Strategic Partnerships – Retail, recently spoke at the InsTech London event “Making Payments Pay: Making the Most of Payments Technologies”.
Daniel Chavenson, VP, Strategy & Corporate Development for Cover Genius, joined other experts in the space in an OnRamp Insurance 2022 panel.
Geniebot finds the appropriate insurance policy for your e-commerce store by analyzing the product metadata and using a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model.
Cover Genius CEO and Co-founder Angus McDonald joined keynote panel “How Embedded Insurance Will Disrupt the Industry Landscape”.
XCover Go allows you to offer both warranty and shipping protection in one seamless integration from storefront to repairs and replacements with instant claims payments.
Cover Genius offers an award-winning claims platform, where customers can submit claims via our simple and fast platform, with instant payments upon the approval.
Generating key pricing insights can lead to maximized conversions and ancillary revenue, which is possible with our data analytics platform, BrightWrite.
Via our XCover platform, your customers can easily submit and manage their claims through a fast and streamlined process, with instant payments upon approval.
Via our XCover platform, your customers can easily submit and manage their claims through a fast and streamlined process, with instant payments upon approval.
Now more than ever are travelers looking to insurance to protect them wherever they are in the world. We work with travel partners to integrate solutions that are tailored to capture conversions.
Offering best-in-class customer experience has always been part of Wayfair’s mission, which is why when it came to enhancing their product offerings with protection it was a natural fit to partner with us.
Our VP of Customer, Luiza Gusmão, recently wrote a piece for the International Travel & Health Insurance Journal discussing how embedded technology and automation in the claims process helps to optimize efficiency and improve customer experience. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed protection at the forefront of every travelers’ mind. Upon examining post-COVID attach rates across our network of partners including, Icelandair, Skyscanner, Hopper, we found that travelers are opting to add protection at a rate 6x higher than at the start of the pandemic.
Cover Genius, the leading global insurtech for embedded insurance, today announced a strategic partnership with Ryanair, Europe’s largest airline, to offer its customers comprehensive travel protection, integrated directly into the booking flow for a more convenient experience.
A recent travel insurance survey shows that 50% of Australian travellers were not covered for pandemic-related reasons when purchasing travel insurance, despite purchasing such a policy for pandemic protection. This was the second highest rate of non-coverage globally out of the 20 countries polled. This is according to a survey, conducted by, and commissioned by Cover Genius that observed 507 Australian travellers to better understand sentiments regarding travel insurance, their preferred channels for obtaining it, and their experience when making a claim.
Cover Genius, the insurtech for embedded insurance, today announced an expansion of its partnership with Ola, India’s largest mobility platform. This news follows Cover Genius’ recent Series C funding round of $70M USD, which is being used to expand its global distribution platform, XCover, and support new global partnerships in e-commerce, property, travel, mobility, auto, B2B and financial services.
Insurance digitization: the need for personalization and a smooth claims experience In a recent interview Arijit Chakraborty, Managing Director for APAC, spoke with the Asia
In a recent presentation at INCO Greece, our SVP Regional Head of LatAm partnerships, Julio Castellón shares the future of insurance distribution and leveraging customer data points. Over the past two decades, the development of the internet and the deployment of fast internet networks has reached millions of people all over the world. The internet along with the pandemic has accelerated the rapid growth of e-commerce and customers have grown accustomed to sites they find convenient, trust and enjoy using.
Banks sit at the center of all our financial transactions so they have a natural advantage when it comes to offering their customers insurance products. Daniel Poole, our VP Strategic Partnerships EMEA talks about the widening gap between digital and legacy banks and opportunities for banks to utilize transactional data into building an ecosystem of ancillary services in a recent interview with
As the digital landscape evolves, consumers are searching for peace of mind and safety when doing their business online. Arijit Chakraborty, Managing Director APAC, recently discussed with the help of transaction and client-based data to deliver “hyper-relevant” embedded insurance offers to ultimately protect the consumer.
Luiza Gusmão, Customer Vice President of Cover Genius, recently sat down with Insurance Business to share her journey from leveraging her engineering background to transitioning into the insurtech industry.
Cover Genius, the global insurtech leader whose award-winning XCover insurance distribution platform protects the customers of some of the world’s largest online companies including Booking Holdings, Intuit, eBay, Skyscanner, Wayfair, and the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia & Taiwan, Shopee, has announced its continued growth within the mobility market with a major partnership with Ola.
The global pandemic has helped evolve and innovate the insurance industry as consumers have increasingly shifted to their favorite online platforms to purchase products and services. Arijit Chakraborty, our Managing Director of APAC, featured in The Fintech Times article discussing the future of embedded insurance.
Our Head of Insurance, Graeme Dean, was featured as a guest on the Insurtech Insider podcast. In this episode, Graeme discusses the demand for travel insurance increasing as more destinations require coverage as we move towards embedding COVID-19 policies in all insurance verticals.
Whether they know it or not, consumers have been the beneficiaries of embedded insurance, a trend that’s moving beyond simple eCommerce payments and has recently made its debut in the logistics sector. Embedded insurance offers a seamless alternative to the clunkiness of traditional insurer offerings: When consumers buy high-priced electronics from their favorite online retailer or expensive flights from their airline of choice, they’re offered protection right at the point of checkout with coverage tailored to their specific needs. Please see the full article here.
Our Co-Founder and CEO, Angus McDonald, recently wrote a piece for The Connected Economy’s Power Source eBook discussing the emergence of Super Apps in a digitally centered universe and its role in providing seamless integration of insurance.
Cover Genius expande su presencia en América Latina y nombra a Julio Castellón como Vicepresidente Senior Regional de Alianzas para la región Buenos Aires, 17
Our Chief Operations Officer, Mitchell Doust, was invited to share his insights around Data Driven Product Innovation at the Future of Insurance event, hosted by Reuters Events.
Our Chief Technology, Peter Phillips, spoke on a panel for Tech in Asia, joined by Han-Ley Tang, Founder of Blue Monkey, Chee How Lim Founder & CEO of Tapway, and Bernard Leong, Head of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, ASEAN, Amazon Web Services, to discuss how they are deploying AI and machine learning within their product stack.
We partnered with AXS to deliver a personalized experience for customers’ when purchasing tickets to their favorite event, leveraging the technology behind our XCover platform and BrightWrite analytics framework. As more consumers prioritize peace of mind, especially for large value purchases like event tickets, our tech-led approach helped deliver a 200% growth in attach rates.
Covid-19 brought attention to travel insurance and it’s now commonly known that most travel insurance policies taken out pre-Covid, were not fit for purpose under a global pandemic. Typically, customers were not protected but there didn’t appear to be an appetite within the insurance industry to do anything about it! For us, this wasn’t good enough.
Watch Mitch Doust, Chief Operating Officer – Americas at Cover Genius and Mauricio Comi, Head of SMB Insurance at Intuit chat at the Insuretech Connect 2020 global event. Mitch and Mauricio discuss the use of data to drive personalized insurance offerings for SMBs and how this is benefiting Intuit’s wide range of customers.
Using innovation to win back the trust of travelers The travel industry is no stranger to volatility. From volcanic eruptions to political upheavals, global change
What will the travel insurance space look like after Coronavirus? The recent Coronavirus pandemic left travellers worldwide in the lurch with inadequate coverage. Many paid
This is part of Growth Studies, a series of articles about how BrightWrite improves yield for partners. We analyze the impact of product development and making
Traditional insurers take 10-20 days to pay a claim. Here’s why. In our latest video, Cover Genius Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, Chris Bayley, talks
We built XClaim to handle instant payments into any bank account globally. Here’s what we learned along the way. Being a global insurtech comes with
Our EVP of the America’s, Mitch Doust, explains in this interview originally featured on Carrier Management how together, XCover and XClaim, deliver insurance policies for any line of insurance in 60 countries and 50 U.S states and instant payment of claims in 90+ currencies.
When it comes to creating a seamless customer experience, we understand the importance of working with our partners to fully optimize the site’s frontend.
Dynamic product bundling increases insurance purchases by 23%. Here’s how it works. Traditional models of insurance usually attempt to offer customers a one size fits
Most traditional insurance policies are usually a confusing mess of jargon, explaining unnecessary inclusions that customers don’t need, and exclusions that won’t help them when
Product warranties are a no-brainer when it comes to protecting online purchases and driving a level of loyalty in retail that secures growth and repeat
In today’s competitive retail landscape, customer retention is an increasingly important metric in order to both capture and keep market share.
Our capability to create policies to service a variety of business lines including retail, travel, logistics, payments, auto and mobility has resulted in partnerships with some of the world’s largest ecommerce companies across these verticals, including Booking Holdings, AXS, Ebay, Shipstation, Automatrix, eTraveli and Despegar.
When we were founded, we had some big dreams. We wanted to protect all the customers of the world’s largest online companies. We knew that
48% of consumers would buy more if offered protection at checkout How can you increase customer loyalty, AOV and overall revenue with a single solution?
† Cost savings are based on a comparison of all Cover Genius shipping protection versus published carrier rates for Fedex, UPS, DHL, USPS, UPS, Old Dominion, DHL, XPO Logistics, Estes Express Lines, YRC and TForce Freight as at June 27, 2022. Time savings are based on average resolution times (i.e. the duration from initial filing to completed payment) for all XCover shipping protection claims as at May 31, 2022 (sample size = 868) compared with the industry average time including payment settlement (min. 6 days) and period to acknowledge a filed claim.
Cover Genius is a licensed insurance provider in many international jurisdictions.
In his role, Kyle oversees P&L, business operations and strategic planning across Cover Genius’ North American and Latin American regions.
Prior to Cover Genius, Kyle spent more than a decade in numerous leadership positions at Google working with clients to drive sales, improve their brand and maximize product launches. Before that, Kyle was a Director of Business Transformation at IBM, and started his career serving technology and telecom clients at McKinsey & Co. and JP Morgan.
Kyle earned a Bachelor of Arts from Hamilton College, studied at the London School of Economics, earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, and received an MBA from Dartmouth College where he earned the Walter Jacobs award for intellectual curiosity and conduct that inspires others. He plays an active role educating and mentoring the next generation of MBA students as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and serves on the board of the Chautauqua Athenaeum Hotel.
In his role, Barney is responsible for overseeing business operations, profit and revenue and strategic planning for Cover Genius in the European, Middle Eastern, African (EMEA), and Asia-Pacific (APAC) regions.
Prior to Cover Genius, Barney spent more than 15 years with Google where he held a number of senior leadership positions and was responsible for product to go markets, sales and partnerships for Google’s Media and Marketing Technology business in New York, Sydney and Mountain View, CA.
Barney holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Sydney. Based in Sydney, he is an active advisor and mentor in the APAC technology, media and start-up community.
In his role, Peter leads the product and engineering teams to define and execute the company’s technology strategy and roadmap for all Cover Genius’ platforms, including XCover, the insurtech’s award-winning insurance distribution platform.
As CTO, Peter focuses on the delivery of innovative products and the continued adoption of open source and cloud-based technologies. He is responsible for and oversees the design and implementation of our global scale real-time platforms with a focus on performance, reliability and security.
Prior to Cover Genius, Peter was VP of Engineering at, where he expanded and led the global engineering team to more than 150 employees across Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Philippines and Argentina. During his tenure, his leadership ensured core platforms scaled to support 30 million users and $740 million in gross payment volume.
Peter holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Spatial Data Mining) from James Cook University and has lectured at the University of Sydney about topics including software engineering, scalable infrastructure and agile development practices. Based in Sydney, he is also a supporter of local organizations that help provide healthcare to rural and remote areas of Australia.
In his role, David manages all financial activities of the company, including business planning, budgeting, forecasting, financial operations, facilities management, and investor relations.
Prior to Cover Genius, David served as CFO at Unite Us and as CFO at nCino, which he took public in 2020 on Nasdaq. He led both companies through various stages of growth and successfully steered them towards becoming profitable growth companies. He also served as the SVP of Finance at Central Square Technologies and has held several roles at software/technology investment and banking firms, including Thrivent Asset Management, JPMorgan, KPMG and PWC.
David earned his B.S.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Illinois Chicago, received his MBA in Accounting and Finance from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and is a licensed CPA.
In her role, Darcy is responsible for developing, implementing and overseeing risk, legal and compliance strategies across the organization.
Darcy has more than 15 years of experience in commercial and general insurance. Before Cover Genius, she was Product Director at The Hartford, where she managed Cyber, Tech, Media and Miscellaneous Professional Liability products, as well as developed The Hartford’s first admitted Cyber policy. In addition, she has held key roles at AIG and Liberty Mutual, including claims counsel and litigation management.
Darcy has an honors degree in English and Computer Applications from the University of Notre Dame, and a law degree from Fordham University School of Law. Based in New York, Darcy is also a strong supporter of local charities, like City Harvest and FACES, that help individuals improve their day-to-day lives.
With more than a decade of experience in a variety of executive roles at high-growth technology companies, Angus is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Cover Genius overseeing the global expansion and development of Cover Genius across industries.
Before Cover Genius, Angus was the VP of International Business Development at iClick Interactive, and Head of Publisher Partnerships at Yahoo!.
Angus has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Technology Sydney and is a passionate contributor to rural and youth wellbeing programs through personal efforts and those of CG Gives, the philanthropic arm of Cover Genius.
We love talking to companies who want to protect their global audience.