
Unbundled Travel Insurance Demo

Now more than ever are travelers looking to insurance to protect them wherever they are in the world. We work with with travel partners to integrate solutions that are tailored to capture conversions. Our RESTful APIs optimize price and policy bundles for each customer’s individual travel needs and plans. Our policies are easy to read to understand, and can be managed by our partners through the our award-winning XCover platform.

BrightWrite Dynamic Pricing Demo

View the case study. Generating key pricing insights can lead to maximized conversions and ancillary revenue, which is possible with our data analytics platform, BrightWrite.

Instant Payments of Approved Claims Demo

Traditionally, the claims process can be clunky, slow, and frustrating, with payments taking even longer. Cover Genius offers an award-winning claims platform, where customers can submit a claim via our simple and fast digital platform, with instant payments upon the claim’s approval.


We love talking to companies who want to protect their global audience.